


                             ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY STATEMENT

Electronic Classroom Furniture Systems, LC will control and manage its activities to ensure risks to the health,  safety and welfare of its employees, customers and the general public are identified and  action taken to minimize or eliminate their effects.    Adverse effects of operational activities on the environment will be minimized as far as  practicable.   

The objectives of the policy are:  

 •  To comply with its legal obligations under the current Health, Safety and Welfare Act  and the Environmental Protection Act, together with all other applicable statutory  provisions and relevant codes of practice.   

•  To promote health, safety and environmental awareness throughout the organization.  

•  To maintain a safe and healthy working environment for its employees, with adequate facilities appropriate to the nature of the business activities.   

•  To minimize the social impact of the company activities and avoid damage to the environment through regular reviews of the business from environmental and  management systems audits.  

•  To undertake environmental impact studies as part of any company relocation or enlargement of existing facilities.

•  To utilize recycled materials when practical.

•  To converse the Earth’s resources.


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